Thursday, June 23, 2011

Claymation in the Digital Era

Stop-motion animation has been around for decades. The arduous process of creating these productions took extremely long and required great patience. If you ever watched one of the familiar staples - holiday claymation specials, you can still see these "blasts from the past" every year, even today. Then along came computer animation software which took the experience to a whole new level from the normal Saturday morning cartoons and Disney movies from not that long ago. But, I would argue there is still a lingering nostalgia for this art form of the past. In fact, companies have proven this correct by creating stop-motion animation editing tools for the digital age with a focus on the next generation - kids.

Creating videos, for kids, these days seems second nature due to the technology advancements of the last several years. Children learn to visually portray their imaginations from a digital perspective, moreso than with pen and paper, early on. By using animation software, you give children an outlet to show off their artistics talents while learning valuable skills they will might use as they grow up. After all, who didn't like playing with clay when they were young? I know I loved it, and I wasn't even any good at creating anything all that amazing. That's what makes products, like claymation software so engaging for kids. They learn something new and have fun doing it in the process, which many will tell you is the way to reach any young child.

For parents, using these types of animation software tools with their children lets them share the experience as well. And, you can fuel your child's creative juices in a way that's also productive from an educational standpoint. For their next school project, for example, they might create a short video using stop-motion video editing software. You can also show off your budding filmmakers projects for to your family and friends using the sharing components provided with these types of software. Upload it online, email it to a relative or save it to your hard drive for future viewing.

The increasing digital world we live will only become more intertwined with our lives. Using animation software for kids, which is less complicated then other advanced editing software, may end up being an investment in your childs future in the digital arena. I still find it ironic that a film technique from the past could pave the way for your child's future in the arts! Or, if not, they'll just have fun visually expressing their ideas, the way we did with clay back when we were their age.

As a video editing software user, I have researched many stop-motion video animation software tools on the market today. For my choice of animation software for kids, check out my in-depth review of Claymation Studio 3 today!

View the original article here

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